Student accommodation comprises, bedroom, access to bathroom and TV room cum dining room.
Deposit: Two weeks deposit payable in advance of taking up accommodation. Deposit is refundable at end of college year. Deposit is not refundable if student leaves accommodation during college year.
Rent: Rent is payable weekly in advance for all weeks, or part thereof, during college year, exception - no rent is payable during official college holidays.
Departure, return times and house alarm: Accommodation must be vacated not later than xx:xxam. Students may return to accommodation on or after x:xxpm (including Sunday evenings). Exception to above rule will be illness. Alarm must ALWAYS be activated when leaving the house.
Housekeeping, health/safety issues, and respect for others: Students will be expected to keep bedroom clean and tidy and have respect for other people's property and well being. In the interest of health, food should not be consumed in the bedrooms. No smoking allowed on the premises. Please switch off lights when leaving rooms.
Linen and vacuuming:Bed linen will be supplied by landlady/management. Rooms will be vacuumed and beds dressed by landlady/management on weekly basis.
Use of house electricity for personal electrical appliances: With exception of hair-dryer, other appliances will not be permitted, save re-charging mobile phones within reason. Do not leave electrical appliances plugged in when not in use.
Noise: Noise must be kept to a minimum at all times, particularly at bed time.
House phone: Not to be used by students.
Returning to accommodation at night: In normal circumstances students should return to house no later than 12:30am.
Meal times: Breakfast is available up to xxam. Evening meal (full board) will be served at xpm. Landlady/management should be informed well in advance of any changes or cancellations.
Kitchen: Strictly PRIVATE
. Students will be provided with facilities in dining/TV room to make tea/coffee etc.Notification and emergencies: Contact phone no's: 01- xxxxxxx, 087-xxxxxxx, 087-xxxxxxx.
Thank you for your co-operation.